A 75-year-old man with renal insufficiency and eosinophilia after coronary angiography
Graphical Abstract
A 75-year-old male patient received esophageal carci-noma surgery in Oct 2005. The next day of the operation, he had dyspnea, chest discomfort and sweating when he was on some activities. ECG showed ST segment elevation and T wave depression in leads VI "6. Biochemical markers of myocardial necrosis were elevated. A diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction was made. After anticoagulant, antiplatelet and vasodilator therapy, his symptoms relieved in 3 hours. One week before the admission, a visible edema of the left lower extremity occurred. Doppler ultrasound showed thrombotic occlusion of the left superficial femoral vein and popliteal vein. With further anticoagulant and va-sodilator therapy, the edema disappeared. He was admitted to our hospital for further assessment and treatment on Nov 3, 2005. Diagnosis on admission were coronary heart disease, acute myocardial infarction of anterior wall, esophageal car-cinoma after surgery and thrombosis of left lower extremity vein. Blood, urine and stool routine tests, liver and renal functions were normal. Doppler ultrasound showed athero-sclerosis of both lower extremities, severe narrowed inferior part of right superficial femoral artery and unclear image of right posterior tibial artery (occlusion?). Echocardiography showed segmental wall motion abnormalities in distal part of anterior wall of left ventricle and the apex. LVEF (Simpson method) was 48%.......