Effect of continuous positive airway pressure ventilation on nocturnal ST-segment changes in patients with sleep-disordered breathing
Graphical Abstract
Objective To determine whether sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) may lead to nocturnal myocardial ischemia and whether the severity of this ischemia may be relieved by nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Methods Overnight polysomnogram examination and simultaneous 3-channel Holter monitoring were performed on 76 patients with moderate to severe SDB and no history of coronary heart disease. All the cases were treated with CPAP for one night. ST depression was defined as a ST segment decrease of more than 1 mm from baseline and lasting 1 min or more. The total duration (minutes) of ST depression was indexed to the total sleep time (minutes per hour of sleep). Results Twenty-eight patients (37%) showed ST segment depression during their sleep. Before CPAP treatment, the respiratory disturbance index (RDI) and arousal index were significantly higher during periods of ST depression than when ST segments were isoelectric, whereas no significant difference was found in blood oxygen saturation (SaO2). After the CPAP treatment of patients with ST depression, the duration of ST depression was significantly reduced from 36.8±18.9 to 11.4±13.2 min/h (P<0.05). ST depression-related indexes, including RDI, arousal index and the percentage of sleep time spent at SaO2 below 90% (TS90/TST), were all significantly decreased, with RDI from 63.4±23.8 to 8.1±6.6 /h, arousal index from 51.2±18.9 to 9.6±5.4 /h, and TS90/TST from 50.6±21.4 to 12.9±14.7% (P<0.05). Conclusion ST-segment depression is rather common in patients with moderate to severe SDB, and CPAP treatment can significantly reduce the duration of ST depression. ST depression in these patients may reflect the myocardial ischemia that really exists and the non-ischemic changes associated with recurrent SDB.